• Are you struggling with a life transition such as a new baby, divorce, or death?
  • Are you feeling down and hopeless and having trouble imagining feeling better?
  • Have you noticed a change in your mood or the way in which you think about yourself?
  • Do you find yourself angry or irritable with other people?
  • Do you suffer as a result of not feeling good enough? Do you find yourself much more forgiving of others than you are of yourself?
  • Are you having difficulty in relationships?
  • Do you have a sense that you are not where you wanted to be at this point in your life or perhaps you are wondering about meaning or your spiritual path? Do you know why you are unhappy?

In individual therapy I will be fully present to you in order to create a supportive and safe container in which you can openly and honestly explore your fears, joys, and concerns. The experience of being deeply heard without judgment may allow you to hear yourself without judgment. The experience of being fully understood may allow you to fully understand yourself. Being fully known and accepted for who we are paradoxically allows us to take the risk of change.


Therapy can help you learn to be as understanding with yourself as you are with those around you. You will learn to be a friend to yourself.

Therapy can help you to understand your feelings and behaviors so that you can appropriately honor the feelings and move on. It is then much easier to make good choices in this moment that are not negatively impacted by old issues.

Therapy can help you identify the creative adaptations you have made to life’s challenges so that you have greater resources to those tools and more choices at your disposal.

Crisis is painful and scary but can afford you the opportunity for growth and positive change. Therapy can offer you support during this period, so you can use this time of transition to achieve greater fulfillment in your life.

Teletherapy Available Now
Susan Buniva is Teletherapy provider in Richmond, VA